About Us
For over 50 years, Test Devices by SCHENCK has been the world’s premier source for realistic rotational testing systems and services.

At Test Devices we focus on a careful review and understanding of what our customers need, working with them to develop the most realistic test scenarios possible – precisely simulating the arduous conditions rotating components will face in real life.
Our evaluations and data help our customers improve the accuracy of their lifting models, reduce the risk of engine test cell failures, shorten testing programs, and lower the cost of testing.
Test Devices operates in a state-of-the-art 50,000 square foot facility in Hudson, Massachusetts. We are the leader in our industry, offering spin testing services and equipment to customers around the world.
Quality System
Test Devices by SCHENCK is committed to providing high quality services and products that meet or exceed our customer’s requirements. We accomplish this through product and process innovation, compliance with ISO 9001 and AS9100 standards, and the continual improvement of our quality management system.
In January 2006 Test Devices hired a dedicated Quality Manager, and made a commitment to obtain formal certification of its quality system. Certification involved finalizing our quality manual and instituting multiple controlled procedures and processes throughout our test, engineering, and manufacturing organizations. As a result of the hard work and dedication of Test Devices employees, Test Devices was certified to have a quality management system that was in conformance with ISO9001:2000 and AS9100:2004 standards. As of February 2018, the quality system is now certified to be in conformance with ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D standards.
The improved quality management system helps assure that Test Devices’ products and testing services are designed, manufactured, and delivered to the highest standards in the industry. Our commitment to quality does not end here however. Our quality manual, which includes a cross reference to AS9100 standards, will be updated on an annual basis. Internal quality audits will be conducted yearly, at a minimum, with additional audits scheduled if quality problems reach unacceptable levels. Additionally, Test Devices will be audited by an independent third party twice a year to assure we are compliant with our self-imposed high standards.
Test Devices’ quality management system, commitment to continual improvement, and certification status is proof of our desire to provide customers with the best quality equipment and testing services.