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The Commercial Space Economy Forecasts an Optimistic Future
Leave a CommentWith the recent manned mission of a US-made rocket, and advancements in reusable launch systems, commercial space is coming into the spotlight and showing an optimistic future. The commercial space economy has been steadily growing in recent years for reasons ranging from financials to innovative breakthroughs in technology. Although the manned-mission is in the spotlight, […]
Why Choose a Full Service Semi-Finish Manufacturer?
Leave a CommentFull-Service Manufacturing: What Makes Us Unique? Through our extensive knowledge and expertise in rough and semi-finish manufacturing, we are able to give our customers the highest quality rotating parts making us the industry leader in this category. While success in these areas does require a dedicated team, what makes Test Devices unique is our combination […]
Success for the HQ-1 Spin Test System
Leave a CommentShops and factories need to regularly test rotors to ensure excellent performance and adherence to design or production requirements. The HQ-1 Spin Tester is a purpose-built bench that incorporates all basic spin testing. HQ-1 is designed for manufacturing environment, and most suitable for spin testing: High-speed electric motor armatures Small gas turbine disks and bladed […]
Protect Turbines & Engines with Subscale Turbine Particle Test Rigs
Leave a CommentSolid particulates—such as sand, volcanic ash or airborne pollutants produced through the burning of fossil fuels—pose a significant risk to power turbines and jet engines employed in the industrial, commercial, and military sectors. Whether natural or manmade, these contaminants can severely impact the performance and durability of these systems and, in some cases, cause damage […]
Optical Strain Measurement: What to Know
Leave a CommentOptical strain measurement is a non-contact measurement technique that employs digital image processing principles. Compared to traditional strain measurement methods, this technique provides a more streamlined solution for testing operations. The increase in testing efficiency is due largely to the elimination of the need for the modification of parts for lead-wire routing and sensor attachment. […]
Industrial Applications of Spin-Testing and Balancing
Leave a CommentPrecision testing of high-speed, high-performance motors and rotors is of paramount importance in today’s aerospace, automotive, and defense industries. Spin testing is performed to validate the design, durability, balance, and structural integrity of the motor. The material and structural behavior of the rotor, which ties to the efficiency of a machine, is of major import across the many varied applications […]
Test Devices Afterburner Small Jet Engine Test
Leave a CommentThe advancement of jet engine technology is directly tied to the pursuit of a hotter core, which continuously pushes the need for superior high-temperature materials, coatings and sensors. Testing nascent material and components in highly relevant conditions, and generating data, especially in the earliest phase of development work helps engineers and scientists to bridge the […]
Test Devices Improves Overall Production Capacity
Leave a CommentIn-House Machining Capabilities At Test Devices, Inc. we’ve made dramatic improvements in production capacity. We are not only producing more, but we’re also doing it faster than ever before. Along with dramatically shorter lead times, record production, and a plan for continued growth and improvement, here’s an outline of exciting developments at Test Devices. Test […]
Spin Testing Additively Manufactured or 3D-Printed Parts
Leave a CommentAdditive manufacturing (AM) is the process of building 3D workpieces layer by layer. Rather than traditional processes such as machining, which create forms by removing the material from stock material, additive manufacturing “prints” layers into a part from a computer model created with Computer Aided Design (CAD) software. The AM technique has been around for […]
Spin Testing for Manufacturing 101
Leave a CommentIn the quest to produce stronger, more durable, and cost effective rotating parts, manufacturers are turning to spin tests to help achieve these goals. Spin tests for manufacturers can be used to validate the stability and integrity of a part, or to enhance the desirable properties of the material. We will explore the differences between […]